Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

AskTheTrucker ‘Live” Addressing Crucial Trucking Topics for Professional Drivers



Sat11-14-15 6PM ET 347-826-9170 2 crucial topics-professional drivers need to be aware Mikes Law-  A gun law which would allow professional drivers to have a Federal Gun Permit, which would override state reciprocity laws, thus allowing legal gun carry in all 48 states.The Denham Amendment, which was slipped in to the House of Representatives  Transportation Bill and could have detrimental repercussions on the wages of Professional Drivers.   Our 1st guest will be James Lamb of the Small business in Transportation Coalition (SBTC) who introduced Mikes Law in July of 2014, after the tragic death of professional driver Michael Boeglin was shot and killed while waiting to load.  Mike’s Law bill for Americans working in interstate commerce, protects and promotes the Second and Fourteenth Amendment Rights of Americans working in interstate commerce, allowing them to be able to carry firearms for self protection nationwide. Our 2nd guest will be Aashish Desai of the Desai Law Firm.  An attorney and advocate, Mr