Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

Truck Driver Health Open Forum - The reality of 'involvement'



Saturday 10-3-15 6pm ET- Join us with our guest and co-host, Tom Kyrk of Road Tested Living as we discuss the hottest topics on AskTheTrucker “Live’ Truck Driver Health Open Forum. Professional drivers are more aware of the dangers of their compromised food supply, the increase in illnesses such as diagnosed diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and increased autoimmune disease.  Because of awareness, truckers are now more concerned and actively involved by taking  proactive measures to improve their health.  You know who else has announced they are  going to become proactively involved with driver health?  The FMCSA.  On September 21st and 22nd FMCSA's Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Council ( MCSAC) and the Medical Review Board (MRB) opened up discussion regarding the Health and Wellness of the professional Driver.   Tonight we will discuss this newly announced involved by the FMCSA and determine if becoming involved with truck driver health and wellness is for the earnest regard of the professional driver?