Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

Open Forum onTruck Driver Health



We will be starting a series of Health Shows on AskTheTrucker "LIVE" addressing the health concerns of the professional truck driver. Health becomes not just an issue for a driver’s profession and career, but a serious concern for life and the quality of life. Many drivers are plagued with health issues such as obesity, diabetes, sleep disorders, respiratory disorders, high blood pressure, arthritis, and others, including autoimmune diseases which are on an upward climb nationwide. Join us as we discuss a few of the organizations and driver groups who we have aligned with within the industry, what they are doing to address driver health concerns, and how they are reaching out to drivers to offer help and support. Read more via: Driver health info and support for concerned truckers. Are you concerned about driver health or are you addressing your own or lending help to others? Come join the conversation!