Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

Driver Image and the Outcome Effects on Trucking Issues



Our special guest is Brian Carlson of the Drive for Freedom (DFF) Organization, a non-profit advocacy organization under section 501(c)(3. Brian and the DFF take driver image seriously, believing that one must take responsibility and lead by example if professional drivers are going to be able to accomplish positive change for their industry. As DFF states on their website, “Our aim is to highlight the importance of Professional Drivers, taking full responsibility for the direction of our industry" and as part of an industry drive, DFF has created the“Drive It Right or Park It” Campaign. Join the discussion and share your thoughts as we discuss how driver image affects perception and the outcome of many of the troubling issues which drivers face today such as: wages, safety, classification, truck parking, respect and regulations. 6 PM ET: Call-in number: 347-826-9170