Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

Open Forum: Driver Training Standards



On August 19, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration announced that it will accept input from stakeholders to determine a  possible rulemaking for entry-level truck driver training. After years of failing to implement a final rule which would establish such criteria, the FMCSA is considering using a negotiated rulemaking, known as RegNeg. Under RegNeg, outside agency representatives would consult among each other in order to develop the proposed rule, taking the responsibility away from the FMCSA. In Canada, a task force is working toward establishing criteria for entry-level drivers, as well as hoping to have the Canadian government classify truck driving as a "skilled" profession. Furthermore, the Canadian Trucking Alliance has admitted that the primary causes for a driver shortage are driver wages, quality of life, qualifications and demographics. Join us as we look at the very different approach by the U.S. and Canada as it relates to driver training and recognizing the importance of the profe