Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

Trucking Topics "OPEN FORUM"



It is Open Forum for this broadcast of Truth About Trucking "LIVE" as Donna and I will share about the recent Industry at Sea 2014 event and any trucking-related topic that comes to mind! We will also touch on the SBTC's recent Police Misconduct Complaint filed with the U.S. Department of Justice on behalf of fellow truck driver: Kenny Capell. How about National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, beginning Monday, September 15? Your thoughts on this event? Is one week out of the year enough and what do you think the industry as a whole should be doing, relating to the appreciation of truckers? Have a topic you would like to discuss? Join us as we open up the phone lines where our callers decide the topics for discussion. Have a new website, business or service to share with our listeners? Call in and tell us all about it. Call-in number: 347-826-9170 ... come join the conversation!