Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

Repealing the $75K Broker Bond



James Lamb is President of the Association of Independent Property Brokers and Agents (AIPBA) and a former New York State Department of Transportation Motor Carrier Investigator. Included in the Highway Bill, known as MAP-21 that was passed in 2012, is the act to raise the broker bond to $75,000. James Lamb has been fighting the act since day one. Mr. Lamb submitted a 10-page exemption request to the FMCSA that would relieve all property brokers and freight forwarders from the $75,000 bond provision within the trucking industry. The FMCSA accepted comments to the request which recently ended on January 26, 2014 and the AIPBA continues its work to have the bond repealed. Will the FMCSA override the requirement in accordance with their lawful exemption authority duly granted to them by Congress? Mr. Lamb joins us as our special guest to share their accomplishments and to bring us all up-to-date on the broker bond issue.