Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

Trucking Mobile Communication: BYOD



The U.S. trucking industry is currently debating the pros and cons of mobile communication platforms as it relates to Company-Owned Personally Enabled devices (COPE) or to rely on the Bring Your Own Device platform, simply known as BYOD. Christian Schenk is Senior Vice President of product strategy and market growth for XRS Corporation, specializing in helping private and for-hire fleets use driver and vehicle data to improve every aspect of their operations. Mr. Schenk points out that mobile technology (BYOD) over traditional, bulky "onboard computers," is already here as nearly 90% of truck drivers currently have personal mobile devices in use. XRS is able to support more than 100 mobile devices within its portfolio, on four networks across the United States and Canada. Mr. Schenk joins us as our special guest to further discuss the XRS Mobile Communication platform, the facts behind the BYOD technology and why their platform is considered to be revolutionizing the industry.