Always Sunday

Is a social media detox right for me?



How do you create room in your day to day to focus on what's most important? For me, that has always meant controlling who has access and can make requests for my time. That's generally easy to manage by configuring notifications on my phone, being consistent about the types of events I accept in my calendar and enabling "Do not Disturb" on my phone to protect time that is strictly reserved for family. All things that help optimize my day and allow room to create. But still, none of this changes my behavior necessarily. I can always choose what I want to do with that time without being intentional like checking email or social media to see if there are any updates. After four days away from work with all of my messages and time in check, it became clear that the things I have in place work well for me, but there is still more I can do to help focus on the things that matter most. Perhaps it's time to consider a social media detox of my own.