Always Sunday

Slack has a new logo



Slack unveiled their new logo yesterday, and the internet had a lot to say. In this episode, I share my personal view on redesigns and briefly touch on how we can learn from watching companies go through a rebranding process by studying them and understanding why they might have made the decisions that they did. In a blog post titled "Say hello, new logo," Slack writes "Firstly, it’s not change for the sake of change. That said, change is inevitable, and something to be embraced, etc. etc., but that’s not a good enough reason to change a logo. A good reason to change a logo is that it’s not doing the job you want it to do—and because a simpler, more distinctive evolution of it could do that job better. " John Gruber at Daring Fireball also shared a response, “Slack gets a bland new identity from PentagramSlack unveiled their new logo yesterday, and the internet had a lot to say. In this episode, I share my personal view on redesigns and briefly touch on how we can learn from watching compa