Always Sunday

What it means to be creative - Part 2: A letter to my brain



Dear Brain, It’s been too long since we’ve sat down to talk. There were a lot of things in my life that needed my attention, but that’s no excuse. I know that you must have felt like I was pushing you aside. I didn’t mean to ignore you. I’m sorry about that. We had a good run together. You’ve always been there when I need you, but it seems like we've fallen off the path lately. I recognize now that I’ve taken you for granted. I wasn’t treating you well and pushed you to your limits–constantly asking for more. That's hard for me to admit. I kept you up late when I know that what you needed most was rest. I didn’t allow you to express yourself when times got tough. And I held you to immeasurable standards. That would be difficult on anyone. I set you up with goals and ideas and left you to fend for yourself when they got muddied with opinions. Perhaps making you feel like you weren’t enough. But I felt like you were comparing me to others, making me feel like I didn’t measure up either. You made me believe that