Perspectives Towards A Sustainable Future Presented By Man Group

How to Save the World: Green Bonds and Central Bank Regulation - Michael Sheren



Why are some central banks increasingly focused on the relationship between climate change and the global financial system while others remain disengaged? What are the limits to how central banks can address these issues? Learn why the Bank of England has emerged as one of the leading voices in articulating the financial risks of climate change, and how green securitisation could tap credit markets to fund sustainable growth needs. (Michael appears in his personal capacity. His commentary does not necessarily reflect the views of the Bank of England.) For more information visit This podcast was recorded on 28 May 2019. Important information: This podcast should not be copied, distributed, published or reproduced, in whole or in part. Opinions expressed are those of the author and may not be shared by all personnel of Man Group plc ('Man'). These opinions are subject to change without notice, are for information purposes only and do not constitute an offer or