Ashley Talks Asia Tech Podcast

276: Jasen Wang (Ashley Talks ASH17)



Podcast highlights: 00:55 Tell us more about Makeblock -- Makeblock is a company whose aim is to help people create. Often people have an idea but need help on the mechanical, software, or electronics side of things. What we do is provide a platform to unify these elements and help people create. 12:15 What advice would you offer people in terms of how to get started? What things do you think are necessary to be successful in this field? -- You have to have an interest in what you're doing. Running a business is very very hard, so having that interest is important. Another recommendation is think differently. Many people fail because they just try to copy what someone else is doing and don't bring new ideas and products to market. 51:30 If you can leave listeners with some wisdom, what would it be? -- Do things that help people remain in the physical world. Keep building and creating! Podcast notes: NOTE: This episode contains explicit language. 00:05 Welcome Jasen Wang, Founder and CEO of Makeblock t