Russ Rantz

Episode 24: Get Out Of That Bunker!



Oh man! Not only did my beloved computer die on me moments BEFORE my last episode, but I also got deathly sick LAST week and missed you all. It's crazy, but these last 2 weeks have made me realize how comfortable I've tried to make myself while producing this podcast.  Comfort isn't a bad thing if you use it to rest and experiment, but when it becomes your GOAL to try to obtain comfort and ease at all costs...there's something wrong. It may not feel like it while it's happening...but maybe it's stunting your life (that kind of sounds gross actually).  I have had to be on my toes, and I have had to stretch myself while doing this podcast, but I'm nowhere close to being done yet, and that's why I'm so excited to announce... I'M COMING TO YOUTUBE! That's right, in the next few weeks you'll be able to watch the Russ Rantz Podcast on Youtube as well. It'll be a whole new media platform, and I'm hoping to be able to also branch out into other things as well. Instead of laying my stake in the ground, and