Beneath The Surface

15 - Safety shares with Kain Barratt



Without a doubt, the most vital aspect of the global mining industry is safety.  My first real induction to the broader scope of safety culture started many years ago when I met today’s guest, Kain Barratt. Now, safety shares are an every day event on sites across the globe.  For those unfamiliar with the term, safety shares open the door for real, organic conversations around safety on site and typically start with a crew member sharing a story, insight or observation related to safety.   This episode is like one deep, intense and perspective shifting safety share, with Kain sharing so much gold in relation to safety culture in high-risk industries. Three powerful takeaways include normalised attitudes to high-risk environments, the false perception of production over safety and how one simple question can empower anyone to ensure their work area is always safe. I’m so grateful that people like Kain exist in the industry, as he’s not only proactive and will always have your back, he’s got a knack for making