This Week Online Today With Ahmed Khalifa

Episode #38: YouTube Sets Stricter Rules to Earn Money, Page Speed Ranking in Mobile, New Google Search Console Rolling Out, Missile Alert Agency's Passwords on Post-It



In this episode of This Week Online Today, we discuss the following: YouTube implementing stricture requirements for creators in response to advertisers' concerns Page speed will be a ranking factor in mobile search hackers targeting the February 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea New Google Search Console is gradually rolling out to more people Page speed will be a ranking factor in mobile search Sources: YouTube Sets Stricter Requirements for Creator Partners in Response to Advertiser Concerns Page speed will be ranking factor in mobile search New Google Search Console is Rolling Out to More People Hawaii's missile alert agency keeps its password on a Post-it note Chrome User Experience Report Google Lighthouse on Chrome Developer Tool Google PageSpeed Insights Hawaii’s missile alert agency keeps its password on a Post-it note LastPass Password Manager Shownotes and transcripts are available here Do Your Thing. Because It Matters