This Week Online Today With Ahmed Khalifa

Episode #9 - Being a Digital Nomad with the Help of WordPress with Anne Dorko from Dialect Pro



In this episode, I talk to Anne Dorko of Dialect and Without Boxes who has been using WordPress to help create her digital nomadic lifestyle. Anne shares her story of how started from nothing into getting into WordPress and create a business out of it. Anne has worked her way up by creating WordPress themes and plugins via Dialect Pro and helping others to achieve their online objectives whilst also dreaming of being a freelancer and a digital nomad. Some of the things Anne and I talk about are: how the opportunity to experiment and "break" WordPress has helped her to grow her knowledge and subsequently her business how she likes to alleviate any fear that people have when it comes to working with their own website building plugins and themes which have helped to create passive income overcoming her imposter syndrome to help those around with their online projects "Success is very relative to what your goal is. If my goal is to make $100,000 on a website and I get 100,000 visitors but no money from it, su