This Week Online Today With Ahmed Khalifa

Episode #3 - Building Community Using Your Niche with Dan & Ryan from Theme Park Trader



In this episode, I talk to Dan Ellis and Ryan Ogilvie from Theme Park Trader, a site where they discuss everything related to their passion; theme parks. Not only are they passionate about this topic, but they are very clever guys from the inbound marketing and web development background. I know Dan and Ryan from my time working at a digital marketing agency and have quickly seen how passionate Ryan is about Disney, whilst Dan has an interest in Universal Studio. Together, they have decided to combine their passion and knowledge one lunch together and created Theme Park Trader, where they are building and growing a community of like-minded people to share their knowledge. I have asked the guys to come onto the show and we have talked about the following: how their passion came about and the process to coming up with the idea of Theme Park Trader the idea of picking your niche passion to create a website and building a community how they work together and complement each other's skills the advice they have