This Week Online Today With Ahmed Khalifa

Episode #1 - Creating a Recipe Book & Food Site with Omer Eltigani from The Sudanese Kitchen



In this episode, I interview Omer Eltigani from The Sudanese Kitchen who is in the middle of preparing the first ever Sudanese recipe book in English. We talk about: his background and how came up with the idea of creating his own recipe book how the idea was validated with a number of people, Sudanese and non-Sudanese people, as well as after setting up a pop-up restaurant in London why Omer chose WordPress and he got started with it how he overcome the challenges when he first started using WordPress what Omar envisions of how he wants the website to grow what can you learn from Omar's experience if you want to put together your own recipe book "You need to stand out. You need to show something that other people aren't showing so people will take notice of you. And it's all about getting noticed and getting attention. You need to be able to stand out very clearly from the beginning and stand out from the pack." - Omer Eltigani, Sudanese Kitchen This is a fascinating episode with Omer and shows that an