Selling Out

Ep.#6 Mental Health



Nothing better than when a controversial topic like mental health is discussed by some real experts. Their credentials include more "hands-on" experience than textbook knowledge, but hey, it’s something i guess… The dialogue spans from the hosts’ personal experience to society's views on the subject. What are some tried and tested remedies for stress, and could there be a link between leisure time and depression?ALSO: Henry Rollins said something douchey, and we finish with The Sound Off and Nate’s Notes, wherein a 39 year old man contemplates putting on some black leather and lots of make up.3:40-some stats and personal experience…7:20 early experiences w therapy10:20 society’s evolving views on mental health 15:00 Diagnoses/medication and a few alternative remedies 30:45 does leisure time create depression?33:00 Suicide/Henry Rollins is a douchebag48:45 Selling Out Sound Off56:30 Nate’s NotesVISIT OUR use code sellingout for 30% use code sellingout for 15% o