Speaking Of Hungry

16: Before and After Photos Don't Tell the Whole Story



I was going through my Instagram feed when I came across a great post by Jenna Jozefowski talking about how before/after photos posted all over social media or in diet ads may make some of us squirm vs feel inspired.  I immediately had to address this topic here on Speaking of Hungry! There was a time in my disordered days when I looked at before and after photos and thought, "Wow, this girl has it all figured out!" Now, as an anti-diet, intuitive eating counselor, AND someone who has gone through an eating disorder and disordered eating recovery, I look at these photos VERY differently.  Yes, these people probably worked very hard. I do understand our need to want to celebrate how hard we've worked at something and I think it's amazing to share how proud you are of you.  But I look at these pictures deeper. Why? Because I've heard the "AFTER" story from the BEFORE/AFTER photos. When people reveal that everyone was praising their weight loss, how awesome they looked, how fit and sculpted their body became....