Blackwell's Presents...

Paul Luna - Typography: A Very Short Introduction



On Wednesday the 16th of January, we were joined by Paul Luna as part of our 'For Learning, For Life' series taking place in the Norrington Room. Typography, the art of designing printed words, touches our life now more than ever. The widespread use of mobile phones, tablets and social media means that we are regularly asked to make decisions about the fonts, sizes, and layouts we use in our writing. We now see typography as a way to express our personalities rather than just make our writing legible. Paul Luna offers a broad definition of typography as design for reading, whether in print or on screens, where a set of visual choices are taken to make a written message more accessible, more easily transmitted, more significant, or more attractive. Paul Luna both researches and designs complex texts. He designed the last two editions of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary and has written on the relationship between typography and lexicography, including a study of the typography of Samuel Johnson’s Dictio