Suspending The Rules

Internet Industry Weighs In On Liability Shield



Republicans and Democrats are increasingly discussing potential changes to the law that protects social media platforms and other internet companies from liability for their users’ content. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has said that companies should face more accountability for their privacy practices and moderation of harmful content, while conservative lawmakers have introduced bills to prevent what they say is censorship of conservative voices. The White House is also reportedly drafting a proposal to require social media companies not to censor viewpoints in a politically biased way. On this special episode of Bloomberg Government’s “Suspending the Rules,” technology reporter Rebecca Kern speaks with Elizabeth Banker, vice president and associate general counsel at the Internet Association, about the law, known as "Section 230," and her group’s views on proposed changes. The association represents online companies like Facebook, Google, and Yelp. This is the second of two episodes