Suspending The Rules

Internet Liability Shield Under Scrutiny



With public and congressional attention increasingly focused on social media companies, lawmakers and other stakeholders are discussing changes to the obscure provision of law that’s been credited with the rise of online companies. The “Section 230” shield protects online platforms from liability for user-generated content. Members of Congress including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said they’re open to changes to create more accountability for companies’ privacy and moderation practices. On this special episode of “Suspending the Rules” from Bloomberg Government, technology reporter Rebecca Kern sits down with Public Knowledge Legal Director John Bergmayer to discuss how Section 230 helped create the current internet landscape and his group’s views on proposed changes to the law.Contact the BGOV podcast team at Listen and subscribe to Suspending the Rules from your mobile device: Via Apple Podcasts | Via Overca