The Simon Lovell Show

Initiate Your Idea, Momentum Mondays #EP19



Have you ever had an idea but not taken moved forward with it? I know that I have. I would look at other people and see that they were growing, and my idea… Was still in my head. But there came a time where everything shifted and i started taking massive action and took those ideas and initiated them. I go the ball rolling. Not all of them worked, but the ones that did changed lives. They created opportunities and a new life for others. You know it could change the world, you know that it could impact people’s lives, but for some reason you've held back. For some reason you took the first step, but not the second. Maybe you got knocked back once and took that as the final answer. Maybe, someone else’s voice stopped you in your tracks. Something like “you can’t do that” or “it won’t work”. You believed them, you took it as a truth, when in fact it was their truth, their fear, their limitation. Now you see other people out there who are getting the results that you want. That you know deep down, w