The Simon Lovell Show

Forbes 100 – 34 Golden Nuggets From The Richest In The World #3



The Forbes @100 book that showcases the most wealthy people on the planet and I share with you what stood out for me.   0:55 – Intro 1:05 – Simon loves reading books and listening to audio books on Audible. He reads personal development books in the evenings and reads business books in the afternoon and evening. 2:15 – Simon writes for Forbes. He got the Forbes 100 book for Christmas. 3:10 – Simon has picked out the best bits in his Evernote app, and is going to go through the nuggets he pulled out from this book. 4:30 – Every business is a living algorithm that needs to be improved. 5:20 – People who lose their relevance get stuck in the past because they are no longer with the moment. 6:15 – Make a lit of problems and then fix them. 7:40 – When a door closes, if you look hard enough, long enough and strong enough another window opens. 8:30 – people don’t mind people who try things that fail. 10:00 – Find a good business, one that you can understand why it’s good, with a durable competitive adv