Graphic Novel Tk

Episode 24 - Comic Stores, with Patrick Brower and W. Dal Bush



You're going to be an author! But how do you get your books to actually sell? After you've told your friends and family that your book exists, you still have to convince the rest of the people in the world that they should buy it. And your best allies on that front can be bookstores and comics stores, who spend all day every day talking to people about how they should buy graphic novels from them.  Today, we talk to the co-owners of Eisner Award-winning comics store Challengers Comics + Conversation, in Chicago IL, about what comics stores do, how they work, and how authors can work with them.  Author events, staff features, building relationships, newsletter promotion -- Patrick Brower and W. Dal Bush talk about how it all unfolds in their store.  You can visit Challengers Comics + Conversation yourself -- or check them out on Twitter at @challengers -- or listen to their podcast about retailing, Contest of Challengers.