Transform Our World Nor Cal Intercessors Thursday Prayer Call

Prayer Call: "I will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children..."



On today's prayer call we prayed for the hearts of the fathers to be turned to the children and for the hearts of the children to he turned to the fathers. We prayed for miraculous healings, we prayed for life to overcome death. We prayed for the children refugees from the boarder crisis and for the workers on the frontline.  Transform Our World is about empowering the body of Christ to bring a holistic solution to systemic poverty. We prayed for this in the Bay Area and beyond. We laid out the gameplay for Transform Our World:  Reserve the dates for our Global Conference, Oct 15-18, 2019, in Monterey, California. Make plans to join us and to bring a team. Also, Join us July 2 at 7 PM in Redwood City at 1662 Broadway St. – Redwood City CA 94063 for a Night of Transformation and Miracles. I made an invitation to whoever wishes to go into a deeper relationship and be discipled in intercession for transformation. Reach out to me