Transform Our World Nor Cal Intercessors Thursday Prayer Call

Interview with Don Smith-San Quentin Warriors Sports Ministry



In this episode I interview my friend Don Smith who tells the story of the San Quentin warriors, a basketball team in San Quentin, which is being made famous by the soon to be released film "Q Ball" from executive producer Kevin Durant of the other Warriors. Don Smith launched the ministry back in 1996 when his church had an invitation to go play basketball with the inmates in the prison. When he walked in the the yard and turn the corner to see all the inmates he heard a still small voice whisper to him "Isn't this a great place to minister." He's been faithful to that invitation and God has surprised us all. I've had the privilege to be a small part of that ministry. Q Ball the movie, highlights the lives of the inmates we've ministered too and who have become our friends. It's a powerful story very well told that tackles one of the biggest challenges of our society. Watch the movie which aires on Fox Sports, Tuesday May 28th at 6PM. Click here to watch the trailer. Listen to this podcast to hear some of th