By The Mash Tun

31 - American Barleywine



Mike and Cal join award winning homebrewer Daren Fearon a few days after he brewed one of the biggest styles homebrewers can try, the American take on Barleywine. By taking all that is good about beer (the malt bite, the hoppy finish, the yeasty esters and a touch of alcohol), pushing everything as high as it will go and with ABVs ranging from 10% all the way up to 15%, this heavyweight style can pack quite the punch. We also talk with Daren about his work with the Reading Amateur Brewers (, his approach at the style, his recipe, then try these delicious examples: Brewdog - AB25 Siren Craft - Maiden 2017 - Tiny Rebel and Siren Craft - Dark Cherry & Chocolate Barley Wine