Worldbuilder's Anvil

Episode 293 Genre breakdown: Urban Fantasy



Today's Topic –  Because history is so passée All the way back in episode 246 we set the stage for looking into the fantasy genre. This episode we take our look into the Historical Fiction Genre.  Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunes For complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to Podcast Show Flow The three things that make it urban Earth based Modern day … for the most part Set in a large urban area The many spices of urban Mystery, Romance, horror, Fantasy element are hidden from most of society Tightly related genres YA, Para, supernatural, Vampire Pros Cons Interesting works Twilight, Hungary games … most ya, Dresden Files, That potter boy Interesting stories Who does it work for?   Michael's Resources Use when shopping online to help support the show Episode 246 The Big Fantasy Genre Breakdown Episode 252 Looking at Historical Fantasy Fiction for creators Episode 263 Looking at Grimdark Fantasy Links ((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Visit Sho