Fly With Chris And Di

How to Stay on a Keto Diet While Traveling



We are on location today, and we are recording outside while we are waiting for our room to be cleaned. We aren't going to tell you the location on this episode, but Chris does drop a couple of hints. We are both on the keto diet or at least eating in a way that puts our bodies into ketosis. We are basically becoming fat burning entities. Although, Chris's version is a bit modified. Keto and healthy eating are popular, but it still takes some effort, forethought, and planning to eat keto or focus on eating healthy while traveling. This show focuses on eating foods that are high in good fat, with moderate proteins, and low carbs. There are different types and versions of the keto diet, but this show should help get the wheels turning on how to stay on your eating plan while exploring the world.  Show Notes:   [05:56] Our number one focus is having a plan. You want to think about accommodations, transportation, and what you need to bring with you.  [07:27] When on a road trip take a cooler. Pack things that may