Bellwether Hub Podcast

Establishing a “Personal Brand”



This week I’m continuing the theme of reputation, and I want to cover the idea of “personal branding.”  I hate the term - I feel like it’s a marketing gimmick designed to sell corporate workshops - but the idea of it is an extremely important one, especially as the economy and work structure are changing. And, since I don’t have a better term to replace “personal brand” - we’ll run with it.  Last week I wrote a bit about “presence” - and what people see of you in the moment. It’s an often-forgotten area of focus for people, especially as we get so busy in meetings and with delivering our work, yet it is a fundamental component of what makes our personal brand. It’s no secret that reputation is key to success. But reputation is only one aspect. Reputation, presence, personal brand - all of these fall under the same umbrella but have nuanced definitions that require different focus.  Presence is what people see in the moment. Reputation is what precedes you, and the story people tell. Your “personal