No Regrets Podcast With Kate

The Universe Only Says Yes with Rev. Penni Honey



Reverend Penni Honey of Unity of Flagstaff is on the podcast today. As Penni says, she has lived a lot of life. She has also done all the "shoulds": marriage, raised children, a corporate career.... Through her work in hospice, ministry, spiritual coaching and counseling, she has seen first-hand how people deal with regret at the end of life but also agrees, many die with regret.  Penni shares her meditation practice, wisdom and insight gained through nearly 60 years of life experience and her spiritual teachings. You won't want to miss her bubbly personality, infectious laugh and the joy that innately emanates from her.   Fun fact about Rev. Penni, she loves acronyms. She shares three:  CHANGE = Consistently Having A New Growth Experience NO = New Opportunity TRUST = To Rely Upon Spirit/Self Totally Join Rev. Penni live on YouTube every Sunday at Should you wish to send her a message, please email her at  If you are interested in learning more about my D