Survival Of The Fittest

Steroids, Neurotransmitters and Nutrition (What You Need To Know)



In this podcast, we discuss anabolic steroids, hormones and how they affect the body.We discuss common anabolic and androgenic steroids and their effects on the body.TestosteroneOxandrolone (Anavar)Stanozol (Winstrol)We discuss neurotransmitters and how they affect the body.We discuss diet and its impact on hormones.  LIABILITY: Olympic Systems, and its organizations and agents specifically DISCLAIM LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES and assumes no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of the use or misuse of our programs or any of the information or content on our website and social media posts. Olympic Systems, and its organizations and agents assume or undertakes NO LIABILITY for any loss or damage suffered as a result of the use or misuse of any information or content or any reliance thereon.USE AT YOUR OWN RISK: This program, website and any social media posts are for informational purposes only. C