Brian & Sherri 4.0

Paparazzi Jewelry Consultant Lisa Clayton



Hello everyone!! We have a great show for you tonight as we talk with independent business owner for Paparazzi Jewelry, Lisa Clayton!! Lisa will be talking to us and giving us the inside scoop and what Paparazzi Jewelry is, how to join and much more! We also have a Hot Topic on the table which we have put a poll on our Facebook page for everyone to vote on , Should Berkshire County have more for young adults and children to do, or do people think we have enough and if yes we do need more, what we would like to see and what we can do as a community to get the ball rolling. So to vote head to our Facebook page at and look for the poll on our timeline.  For more information about Lisa and how to join or get your $5 fix on, visit Tonight's show is brought to you by our friends at Best Buy! For shopping and more info check them out by visitng our web