Suspending The Rules

Hong Kong Protests Poised for Boost from House



Hong Kong Protests Poised for Boost from House (Podcast) The House plans to show its support for ongoing protests in Hong Kong by considering two bipartisan bills. The measures would block sales of crowd control equipment, impose sanctions, and require an annual certification that Hong Kong is sufficiently independent from Beijing to justify the city's special treatment under U.S. trade law. On this episode of Bloomberg Government’s “Suspending the Rules” podcast, Bloomberg News congressional reporter Daniel Flatley and BGOV legislative analyst Naoreen Chowdhury discuss the protests and congressional action, as well as China’s response to the House bills. Contact the BGOV podcast team at Listen and subscribe to Suspending the Rules from your mobile device:  Via Apple Podcasts | Via Overcast | Via Stitcher | Via Spotify Hosts: Adam M. Taylor, Sarah Babbage Engineer: RJ Jewell