Macquarie Sports Radio Breakfast With John Stanley & Beau Ryan

Mark Levy defends racing industry after shocking claims made by the ABC



Macquarie Sports Radio’s Breakfast host Mark Levy has responded to the explosive claims made by the ABC’s 7:30 report on Thursday night, which revealed that hundreds of registered racehorses are being discarded to slaughterhouses in Australia. Levy questioned the timing of the report in the lead up to this weekend’s Caulfield Cup and the Everest, the richest turf race in the world. “Given what I have seen and what I have read, it’s quite clear to me that they are talking about three-hundred horses being killed in this abattoir in Queensland,” Levy said. “Now we’re talking about an industry that has thousands of horses. I know this isn’t a small number, but I just find the timing of the story quite ridiculous leading into the Everest and Caulfield Cup tomorrow.” The ABC also made a similar report in 2016 into the alleged animal cruelty within the greyhound racing industry and Levy said he wasn’t surprised the broadcasters were now taking aim aga