AdminDev Labs

Linux Workstation Pt. 2



Desktop Environments and Distributions What is a Desktop Environment? Tools, window managers, login managers, display managers, all of the components What is a distribution? When I say Linux, I don't mean the kernel, I mean the operating system running on top of it. Gnome, Gnome 3, Gnome Shell GTK, Wayland, X11 Mac-like + Hot corners + Suite of extensions + Themes + Snappy - Hard set to 60hz - Poor multimonitor support KDE Qt, Basic Wayland, X11 Windows-like + Start Menu + Pinned applications + Theme store + A lot out of the box + Really smooth composite manager - Hidden WiFi quirks - Weird display settings quirks XFCE GTK, X11 Mac-like Windows-like It just depends - Very basic out of the box - Toolbar needs some work + Extremely customizable + Launcher or Start Menu + Versatile Themes - Multimonitor support was not great Cinnamon GTK, X11 Windows-like + Start Menu + Aesthetically pleasing - Trouble with multimonitor and discrete GPU + Customizable MATE GTK, X11 Mac-like + Status in top + Launcher in the b