AdminDev Labs

Linux Workstation Pt. 1



Building a Linux workstation Hardware compatability list Things to consider: - Browser box ++ Get away with i5 and 8GB of RAM ++ Something with a decent resolution, nice screen =-=-= 14" go high DPI settings for ease of reading on 1080p - Workhorse ++ i7 processor, the more cores the better (AMD is an option too) ++ 32GB of RAM ++ Discrete Graphics =-=-= Ubuntu (mixed results) =-=-= Debian (older version but rock solid) =-=-= Arch Linux (never had issues) =-=-= Fedora (Negativo17 is aweeesome) ++ 1080p - 1440p or multiple ports/easily docked (Thunderbolt 3, docking station, USB C Dock) - Gaming/Media ++ GTX Series or Radeon Graphics, no QUADRO or FIREPRO ++ High quality screen, 1440p to 2160p =-=-= Consider your DE when getting a higher resolution or high refresh rate screen =-=-= Gnome hard locked a lot of times - Admin box ++ Ethernet port ++ 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz WiFi ++ Decent RAM - 16GB