Things Above

Hail, King of the Jews!



This particular episode is a teaching from Matthew 28 that I prepared and shared with a small group of players during the 2019 season. We had spent the last several months going through the gospel according to Matthew, and so I wanted to wrap up that series with a bird’s-eye view of the entire account so that we could see the big idea that Matthew is trying to present to his readers. A big reason that I wanted to do this is that I wanted to challenge some of our popular ideas and preconceived notions about what the gospel is all about. Many people in the church hear gospel and think of Jesus dying on the cross so that we could be forgiven by God and go to heaven when we die. I wanted to challenge that way of thinking. The bigger picture of the good news about who Jesus is and what he is doing in this world has transformed my life and the way that I view the world. It’s changed my approach to how I teach the Bible to my children, and it’s changed the way that I pray and what I find myself praying for. So, I am