No Regrets Podcast With Kate

Melinda Oschmann Shares Her Story of Losing Her Son to Addiction



In this heartfelt episode, Melinda shares her story of a long, high-pressured career in sales, a turbulent first marriage, adopting a son, and raising her grandson but the one thing that has shaped her the most is the loss of her older son Clayton, who succumbed to opiate addiction. Melinda talks about spending many years in the fast lane and how she has dealt with the death of her son. Now, at the age of 66, she has slowed down to enjoy life more and is following her passion of acting and storytelling. She has landed lead roles in plays, appeared in commercials and student films. Her next goal is to write her families stories. You can see Melinda’s work on her YouTube Channel. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, Melinda wants you to know, the addicted loved one needs a support system to guide them to seek help. Most addicts don’t want to seek help on their own, but if a trusted family member offers to stick by & help them, they are more likely to give in. Also, relapse during rehabilitati