Dublin Creative Review

Episode 46: The Lilliput Press, Dublin Eight Comic Arts Festival, Crowdfunding



Antony Farrell is the founder of Lilliput Press. An independent publisher that has been around since 1984. Sebastian Stephenson talks to Antony about the "8 Geniuses" that Lilliput has published, why he will sometime tell potential authors to self publish, and what are their latest books. We also check out the independent comic books scene in the first Dublin Eight Comic Arts Festival and see what projects are looking for crowdfunding at the moment. The Lilliput Press website The Lilliput Press on Twitter The Lilliput Press on Facebook Segment 1: Dublin Eight Comic Arts Festival The first Dublin Eight Comic Arts Festival happened on 23rd April. DECAF for short, was a event in The Fumbally Stables to promote, buy and how to do independent small press comic books. Think more illustrated novel rather than superhero saga, though there are a few caped crusaders around as well. I checked out some of the works that were lined up and asked the authors back to back to tell me what they were selling. Dublin Eight Comi