Dublin Creative Review

Episode 43: Plastik Festival, Awareness by Niall McGuigan & what's new in The Library Project



Plastik Festival is a festival of artist moving image. Sibyl Montague is one of the festival directors and speaks to Sebastian Stephenson about the festival. We talk about what's coming up, what makes Plastik different from other film/video festivals, who they coming and is making video art here. We also report on what new in the Library Project and check out the debut album, Awareness, by Niall McGuigan. Plastik Festival website Plastik Festival on Twitter Plastik Festival on Facebook Segment 1: Awareness by Niall McGuigan Niall McGuigan is releasing a debut album that has been brewing for 6 years. Its called Awareness. Niall is releasing the album on the 25th March in St. Anna Church where his works from the album will be performed by the SUSO Gospel Choir. Niall has worked in bands with a variety of musical genres and is even a music therapist. I spoke to Niall as he was heading into the Ruby Sessions in Doyles pub on College Street and he told me about the musical journey he has been on and how it found i