Dublin Creative Review

Episode 23: Peachy Dublin, Waking The Feminists, Music Current & Film Gorillas



Peachy Dublin is a creative collective. Started last year with a exhibition on Dublin's mental health, their focus is on creating works that require audience participation. Sebastian Stephenson talks to the collective about the work they have done over the past year including work with the Beatyard Festival, and better together project then we talk about the new work for 2016 based on fear. We also report on a new electronic and contemporary repertoire music festival; Music Current, a new film production company that is focused on getting young filmmakers distributed called FilmGorillas and we check-in to see what's been happening with Waking The Feminists. Peachy Dublin Peachy's Instagram account Peachy's Facebook page Peachy's Twitter Page Segment 1: Music Current Dublin Sound Lab, a music group that create concerts that use electronics and computers alongside instruments, are presenting Music Current, a festival that presents Irish electronic music and contemporary international repertoire. I spoke to Ferg