Searching For Bernie (sanders)

#15: The Party Decides



  Is the Democratic National Committee intentionally sidelining Bernie Sanders to prevent him from winning the Democratic nomination?Or to put it more bluntly: Is the DNC in the tank for Hillary Clinton?That question has been bouncing around for a while. It popped up over the summer when the DNC announced there would be only six officially sanctioned debates, which means a challenger like Bernie has relatively few opportunities to introduce himself to a national TV audience.And the timing of the debates has been an issue too. For instance, the third debate was last Saturday — a weekend night, only six days before Christmas. To no one’s surprise, it was the least watched debate of the 2016 election cycle.Questions about the DNC putting its finger on the scale for Hillary Clinton popped up again last week, when someone leaked a story about the security breach of the DNC’s voter database. Now, I don’t