Searching For Bernie (sanders)

#14: Cult of the Entrepreneur (part 2)



  In this episode, I’ll be sharing part 2 of my interview with John Lee Dumas.As you may remember from part 1 (Episode #13), John is the host of Entrepreneur on Fire, which is one of the most popular business podcasts on iTunes. It’s also one of the most profitable: John and his partner Kate Erickson are making a fortune running what’s become an online empire that’s built around his podcast about the entrepreneurial life.  In fact, so far this year, John and Kate have a net income of more than $2.7 million dollars, which doesn’t even include December. It’s amazing.   Now, if you’re wondering why I’d interview a wealthy podcasting guru for a podcast about Bernie Sanders — well, there’s a good reason. John Lee Dumas is just the latest in a long line of self-help coaches that includes guys like Dale Carnegie, Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Seth Godin, Chris Brogan, and too many others t