Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

3 Keys to the Millionaire Mindset (& breaking free from scarcity thinking)



My guest today is David Osborn. David is a best selling author, successful entrepreneur and real estate investor based in Austin, Texas. He’s going to bring 3 keys to building a millionaire mindset as well as breaking free from a scarcity mindset! Now… Dream Think Doer... I know you’ll appreciate David’s story because although he’s wildly successful NOW, he wasn’t just handed all of this. He had to work at it. In fact, at the age of 26, he was broke, unemployed and he was fresh off a low-budget trip around the world. But he got intentional and things started to change… big time.   RESOURCES: www.tribeofmillionaires.com www.gobundance.com www.facebook.com/gobundance At 26, David decided to test his entrepreneurial theories… as well as lean on the wisdom and values he’d learned from his parents and from his global travels He started to partner with his mom (who was a real estate agent) and he started to experiment with real estate sales. It wasn’t a good fit initially, but David started to be intentiona