

Lauri Grossman is a licensed Chiropractor and Homeopath. She is a graduate of Cornell University, the New England School of Homeopathy and the prestigious Hahnemann College of Homeopathy in Berkeley, California. Her quest for knowledge has taken her to Greece to meet with George Vithoulkas and to study with Indian and English homeopaths, Rajan Sankaran and Jeremy Scher. Dr. Grossman developed the curriculum in homeopathy and teaches in the holistic departments of the graduate schools at New York University, the College of New Rochelle and the New York Chiropractic College. Known and respected as an expert in integrative care, Dr. Grossman has taught at Sloan Kettering-Memorial Hospital, the Hospital for Special Surgery and Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. Dr. Grossman will be Chair of the Department of Medicine and Humanistic Studies at the American Medical College of Homeopathy slated to open in Arizona in 2009.