Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

20 [Really Good] Questions with Mitch



This week our guest is Mitch Matthews. I know… I know. You might be saying, “But you’re the host. So how does that work?” Well, one of my coaching clients wants to have her own podcast someday. So I let her interview me as an “experiment,” and she did such an incredible job… I wanted to share the conversation with you. We’ll call this episode “20 [really good] questions with Mitch Matthews.” We dive into questions around breaking through fear, how I got into the speaking/coaching business, when I started dreaming (this one might surprise you) and how I freaked out my parents when I was a kid (which might help you with your kids, too!).   Listen To The Podcast: Okay… so we’re taking a little different approach to this episode and here’s the back story. You guys know that I’m a success coach and I work with people one-on-one to help them get clear on their goals and dreams… and then help them to build a plan to walk it out. As we do that… my client and I work to create experiences and challenges alon